Samaná, DR History Program
Frank's Banana Boat
Banana Boat Beat: First Bahamian Feature Film
Finlayson Wedding
Minaya y Willmore Family Photos
The College of The Bahamas (COB) Photo Tour
Princess' Birthday Party
St. Luke's AME Church: "100 Men, Which Way, Strength or Weakness?"
Dr. Leonel Fernández, DR President, at Columbia University
African Burial Ground Project
Bahamian/Dominican/American Partnership
Ebony Magazine Press Event
Austin College Alumni Association Picnic


P R E S S  R E L E A S E S
Date Description PDF Word
11/07/03 Historian Howard Dodson Illumines The Bahamas Howard Dodson Ilumines The Bahamas Howard Dodson Ilumines The Bahamas
08/30/03 IMW Attends Bahamian Cultural Day Event Cultural Day Event Cultural Day Event
08/15/03 IMW General Announcement IMW General Announcement IMW General Announcement
06/12/03 Ebony Magazine Press Event (click here for photos) Ebony Magazine Event Ebony Magazine Event
04/17/03 Irving Burgie's Island In The Sun Irving Burgie's Island in the Sun Irving Burgie's Island in the Sun
12/20/02 To Bimini, With Love To Bimini, With Love To Bimini, With Love
07/22/02 Bahamian History Project Bahamian History Project Bahamian History Project
N E W S  C O V E R A G E
Date Description PDF Word
05/15/03 Bimini Fire Truck Donation Bimini Fire Truck Donation N/A
04/25/03 Irving Burgie Children's Songbook/CD Donation Irving Burgie Donation N/A
11/12/98 Samaná Medical Supply Donation (Spanish) Samana Medical Supply Donation N/A