drflag02.gif (47038 bytes) Riayan A. Tejeda: A Dominican Hero drflag02.gif (47038 bytes)

Marine Staff Sgt. Riayan A. Tejeda

~ Dominican Hero Dies in Iraq ~

(New York, New York: April 11, 2004) Riayan Tejeda, killed in Iraq on April 11, 2003, was remembered on the first anniversary of his death. His family held a vigil in his honor. He was Dominican and grew up in Washington Heights on 180th street. He joined the Marines after High school. He died in Battle in Iraq last April. 180th street was renamed in his honor last February.

Riayan leaves behind a proud, but grieving family. He had 2 kids. His friends remember him as a loving man who always shared fun and excitement. He was a lover of Salsa music. His teachers remember him as a gentleman and a good student. He was a proud Marine. He was awarded citizenship posthumously.

The vigil to honor Riayan Tejeda is on Sunday April 11 at 2 pm. It will be held on the corner of 180th street (now called Staff Sergeant Riayan Tejeda Street) and St. Nicholas. The public is invited to attend. Bring a candle

The Riayan Tejeda Foundation is dedicated to helping the needy of Washington Heights and the Dominican Republic.

For additional information, please contact:
John Henbest, Secretary
Riayan Tejeda Foundation
Phone: 212-927-6505
Phone: 212-946-5488
Committee to Remember Riayan

Please send information, photos, and corrections for Marine Staff Sgt. Riayan A. Tejeda to profiles@fallenheroesmemorial.com.

(Source: http://www.fallenheroesmemorial.com/oif/profiles/tejedariayana.html)

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Last Edited: 08/29/2005 02:36:35 PM