~ W H A T ' S   N E W:  T h e  B a h a m a s ~

Dominican Republic | United States


The Finlayson Wedding
Frank Minaya's Nassau Trip
Howard Dodson Illumines The Bahamas
The Bahamas Red Cross Society
Frank Minaya's Early Charities
The Bahamas of the 1960s, Part I
The Finlayson Wedding

Tanya Chenyere Finlayson, daughter of Garet "Tiger" and Rowena Finlayson, was wed on Saturday, 1st November to Dancyn Stephen Tynes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leighton "Danny" S. Tynes. The wedding was held at Christ Church Cathedral in Nassau and officiated by the Very Reverend Dean of the Cathedral, Patrick L. Adderley, D.D.J.P.

Nikki Boeuf, twin sister of the Bride, and Daynan Tynes, brother of the Groom, served as Matron of Honour and Best Man. The Epistle was read by Dr. James A. Iferenta, brother of the bride, the Old Testament Lesson was read by Ms. Janica Deveaux, friend of the Bride, and the Homily was presented by Reverend Father Colin Saunders. Musical Selections were provided by Ms. Kendenique Moxey, friend of the Bride, and Ms. Abigail Charlow, accompanied by Al Davis, with the Organ Prelude performed by Dr. Sparkman Ferguson.

The elaborate wedding reception was held at the prestigious Paradise Atlantis Hotel's Grand Ball Room and attended by Prime Minister Christie and former Prime Minister of The Bahamas, Hubert Ingraham. For more photos, please click here.

Frank Minaya's Nassau Trip
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In addition to attending The Bahamas wedding of the decade, Frank Minaya and Rowena Finlayson were engaged in a number of meetings held in reference to ongoing Bahamian/ Dominican/ American Partnership humanitarian projects:

Habitat for Humanity Programme

Following very favourable initial interest, Frank Minaya and Gregory Pletz of Merrill Lynch met with Undersecretary of the Bahamian Ministry of Housing and Insurance, Mr. Melvin Seymour, to continue discussions regarding introducing the Habitat for Humanity Programme into The Bahamas. This meeting was followed by an introduction to Dr. David Allen, noted Bahamian Psychiatrist and recently appointed as Chairman of the Urban Renewal Commission. Please click here to read about about Dr. Allen's latest book, entitled Contemplation: Intimacy in a Distant World, launched in Nassau, Washington, DC and New York City by Curtain Call Productions CEO, Doug F. Coppi. To order a copy of Dr. Allen's book, please click here.

Sand Sculpture Manufacturing

Frank Minaya met with Terry Miller, Executive Director of the Bahamas Association for Social Health (BASH) Programme and his associate Lowena Miller, to discuss ways in which the Sand Sculpture Manufacturing Programme might enhance the rehabilitation services offered at the Exodus Village facility.

Sandyport Beaches Resort

Frank Minaya met with Mr. Hugh Buckner, owner of Sandyport Beaches Resort and long-time Bahamian/Dominican/American Partner to discuss the latest humanitarian projects. Mr. Buckner expressed interest in the Habitat for Humanity Programme.

Jones Communications, Ltd.

Frank Minaya met with Bahamian/Dominican/American Partner Wendell Jones, CEO of Jones Communications Ltd. to coordinate a press conference and radio interview with Howard Dodson of the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture.

RobinHood Electronics

Frank Minaya and Howard Dodson met with Sandy Schaefer of Robinhood Electronics to discuss the success of the Fire Safety and Prevention Programme and the acceptance of a fire truck, donated by the Bahamian/Dominican/American Partnership to the island of Bimini and accepted by Cynthia "Mother" Pratt, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Security earlier this year.
Howard Dodson Illumines The Bahamas

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On the heels of an extremely successful series of high-profile events surrounding the African Burial Ground Project, long-time Bahamian/Dominican/American Partner, Howard Dodson, Chief of New York's Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, traveled to The Bahamas to continue his humanitarian work in reference to The Bahamas. Wendell Jones, owner of Jones Communications, Ltd. interviewed Mr. Dodson on live radio on 6th November. To view the press release of Howard Dodson's latest efforts in reference to The Bahamas, please click here.
The Bahamas Red Cross Society
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Following up with efforts to procure an ambulance to add to the The Bahamas Red Cross Society's emergency response fleet, Frank Minaya met with Executive Director Marina Glinton and Edward Fitzgerald. The Red Cross Society will also be receiving medical supplies donated by Bahamian/Dominican/American partners in New York City.
Frank Minaya's Early Charities
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Every Monday evening, departing from the usual events at Frank's Banana Boat nightclub, proprietor Frank Minaya sponsored a selected charitable organization, which would receive a portion of the evening's proceeds, helping to support an entire generation of Bahamian humanitarian projects. To see more of the charities to which Frank's Banana Boat and devoted patrons contributed, please click here.
The Bahamas of the 1960s, Part I
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The following photos provide a visual stroll through Frank Minaya's personal archives spanning the 1960s when Frank's Banana Boat and the Cat and Fiddle were the swinging places to be to rub elbows with young Bahamians, tourists and a veritable who's who of celebrities. To view more photos, please click here.

Last Edited: 08/29/2005 02:36:19 PM